Following the election of a new Diocesan Synod, members of Synod are required to elect representatives to the Diocesan Board of Patronage. The Diocesan Board of Patronage holds the right of patronage in relation to certain parishes in the Diocese, and meets to act as and when necessary.
Timetable for the Diocesan Board of Patronage elections 2024
Issue of Notice of Election and Nomination Forms | Thursday 3 October |
Closing Date for Return of Nomination Forms | Monday 4 November (noon) |
Issue of Voting Papers | Thursday 7 November |
Closing Date for Return of Voting Papers | Monday 2 December (noon) |
Count | Tuesday 3 December |
Who can be elected?
3 clerical and 5 lay places are available to be filled by this election.
Any Clerk in Holy Orders beneficed in or licensed to any parish in the Diocese is eligible to stand for election to the Board, by members of the House of Clergy of the Diocesan Synod. Archdeacons in the Diocese are not qualified to be elected.
Lay persons are eligible to stand for election to the Board.
How to stand for election
First of all, complete the relevant nomination form, available as a download below. If you are a cleric standing for election you should complete the Clergy Nomination Form. If you are not a member of the clergy then you should complete the Lay Nomination Form.
Please be very careful to follow all of the instructions on the notice of election paper and the nomination form, including those concerning the candidate’s statement, and who can propose and second your nomination. If you are standing as a member of the clergy they must be clerical members of the Diocesan Synod. If you are standing as a lay person, they must be lay members of the Diocesan Synod. The form must be signed by your proposer and seconder and also by yourself as candidate. Please note that deadlines for the receipt of nomination and voting papers have to be strictly adhered to in the interests of fairness to all.
For details of Diocesan Synod members who may be your proposers and seconders, please email or phone 020 7932 1228 / 020 3837 5003.
For further details on candidacy, electors and for other information, please contact the Governance Department, Tel: 020 7932 1228, email: