Each year, parishes are required to submit mission and finance data.
Every church is asked to complete returns about membership, attendance, church finances and their energy footprint.
The mission and finance statistics paint a picture of our common life across the country and help identify trends and spot mission opportunities. They make it possible for us to plan.
How to submit your Parish Return
Wherever possible, please complete your return online using the National Church’s online system:
Statistics for Mission:
The deadline for entering information is the end of January. Thank you to those parishes who have submitted their data on time.
Financial Statistics:
These need to be provided as soon as possible after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), which must be no held no later than 31st May. See Rule M1 (1) of the new Church Representation Rules 2022.
Annual Report and Audited Accounts:
These should be uploaded as soon as possible after they have been presented at your APCM.
What to do if you're stuck
If you have any queries or comments, please contact your diocesan office or the Church of England Research & Statistics unit: statistics.unit@churchofengland.org