Support for stipendiary clergy and employees who experience disability, neurodivergence, and mental health issues.


Access to Work (ATW) is a government funded scheme that helps people overcome barriers within their work because of disability, neurodivergence and/or mental health issues.

  • It is open to everyone in a paid or stipendiary position, full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary.
  • ATW can provide financial support towards the provision of special equipment or access software, mobility and other aids needed at work, specialist coaching and training, transport to and from work when taxis or special transport is needed, and the cost of a support worker and/or travel buddy.
  • An online application is followed by a work place assessment and then, if granted,  the offer of support.
  • The employer will often have to make a contribution towards some of the support but this varies depending on how long a person has worked for the organisation and the size of the employer.
  • ATW support can be applied for at any time, but if an application is made up to 3 months before a person takes up a post, or within 6 weeks of starting work, the contribution the employer has to make is considerably reduced.
  • Ongoing costs, like paying support worker fees, are fully funded by ATW.

You do not necessarily need a formal diagnoses or assessment to apply for ATW.  The application form asks questions about barriers and difficulties you are experiencing at work and the workplace assessment is designed to identify the mitigations, support and equipment that would help you.  It can be helpful to have an Occupational Health Assessment before making an application and the diocese will enable this if it is felt to be necessary.

Begin an application

Visit the government website to find out more and begin an application, but please note the points below –

To make an application you must state your employer and give a named contact.

Clergy paid through the Church Commissioners and with a SOP issued by the diocese:

  • Should state their employer as ‘The Diocese of London.’
  • The named contact should be Victoria Robinson – Clergy HR adviser.
  • The company address is: London Diocesan House, 36 Causton Street, London, SW1P 4AU
  • Clergy making an application are asked to let Victoria Robinson and John Beauchamp know about this.

You may be asked for the name and contact of your line manager as part of the assessment process.  If this is the case, please contact John Beauchamp or Victoria Robinson for advice as to who it would be best to name.

It is important that the application form clearly reflects the issues you are experiencing and the support you would benefit from.  For advice and support in making an application, contact John Beauchamp –

Clergy employed directly by particular churches or  as chaplains in education or the NHS

  • should talk to the relevant HR department or with their line manager.
  • Parishes/PCCs who employ clergy directly can get advice about ATW from diocesan HR and John Beauchamp.

LDF employees should talk directly to their line manager and to diocesan HR.

Other staff employed by parishes can also apply for ATW support.

Clergy and others in ministry roles can contact John Beauchamp for an initial conversation about ATW and for support in making an application or information about pathways to screening or diagnosis.


Access to Work Mental Health Support

ATW also provide a mental health support programme.  This is available to anyone experiencing mental health issues that are affecting their work or ability to return to  work, whether diagnosed or not.  The programme consists of 9 months of one-to-one targeted support and is free to both employee and employer.  Anyone can access the programme  and it is not necessary to let your employer know about the support.

The programme is run by two providers.

Maximus UK
You can call Maximus directly on 0300 456 8114, email
or complete a 5-minute referral via the self-referral portal at: Access To Work Mental Health Support Service | Get Help Today (


Able Futures
You can call Able Futures directly on 0800 321 3137. Lines are open 8am to 10.30pm, Monday to Friday
Or apply online at

The program provides individual targeted support and helps with things like coping strategies, workplace adjustments, practical advice and guidance, as well as a plan to return to work if this is necessary.

If you would like confidential support with an application please contact John Beauchamp –