Now more than ever, we are acutely aware of two pressing needs in our communities: that many of us struggle with our mental health, and that many in London experience isolation and loneliness.
Churches across the Diocese of London are responding with ministries of hope: offering connectedness, company, support, spaces to talk and pray, and other practical ministries. Over four in five churches have some activity to tackle isolation and loneliness.
If you’re considering starting something in your church, or if you’re already doing something that you’d like to share, please do get in touch.
We love to visit churches and see what God is doing, and to listen, learn and advise.
Get in Touch
I would like to find out more about:
Recordings of Trainings & Conversations around Mental Health & Isolation
Downloadable Resources
If you have a specific query that isn’t covered, please get in touch here.
Mental Health or Isolation projects in Diocese of London churches
Zoom in for more detail, or click on individual icons for more information.
If you know of a church offering support around mental health or isolation that is not on this map,
please do get in touch and we’ll add it in.