Training events
LLM training events will usually be emailed out by our ministry team. They may also be listed on the events section of this website.
Safeguarding training
Licensed Lay Ministers are required to complete three levels of safeguarding training:
- Basic Awareness
- Foundation
- Leadership
The Basic Awareness (C0) and Foundation (C1) safeguarding training courses can be accessed through the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. These need to be completed before moving on to Leadership Training for the first time.
Leadership training is done through the Diocese of London, and must be refreshed every three years.
LLMs are also encouraged to take the course Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse.
Ministerial Development Review
Once you have become a Licensed Lay Minister, you will undergo a Ministerial Development Review (MDR) every three years with a consultant of your choice. This process happens alongside the LLM’s annual review with their incumbents. The aim of the MDR is for ministers to become more effective Christians in the service of Jesus Christ through self-reflection and challenge, as well as through affirmation and the encouragement of their peers. The goals of this process are to give to ministers the opportunity to:
- Pray and reflect on their vocation and ministry
- Take stock of their ministry and identify areas on which to build, as well as areas needing attention
- Celebrate their ministry and receive affirmation
- Be encouraged and challenged
- Become realistic about their strengths and weaknesses
- Set goals for their work and personal development
- Identify and access both personal and professional training, support and development needs
The MDR process includes a period of reflection and preparation. LLMs are asked to complete the preparation form (all documents are downloadable at the bottom of this page). Their incumbent is also asked to offer feedback using the Review Form. This should be shared with the LLM in advance of their meeting with their external consultant. Your preparation forms, along with your current working agreement, should be shared with the consultant in advance of your meeting. An outcome of the meeting is a Summary of MDR form which will go to the incumbent, the Area Bishop and the Area Warden of LLMs.
The MDR scheme builds on the success of many years’ experience of reviews for clergy within the Diocese of London. For more information about how the MDR works, please contact your local LLM Warden, or your Area Director of Ministry.