There are two bishops in the Diocese of London who offer oversight to those parishes which either do not receive the sacramental ministry of bishops and priests who are women, or require that ministries of oversight are exercised by men.

In the Diocese of London this provision is defined by The London Plan, details of which can be found here.

Please visit the bishop’s individual websites to find out more about their ministry.

Jonathan Baker

The Bishop of Fulham

The Right Reverend Jonathan Baker, the Bishop of Fulham, cares for parishes who have passed a Resolution under the House of Bishops’ Declaration concerning the ordination of women as bishops and priests. He is a suffragan Bishop in the Diocese of London and a member of the London College of Bishops. He is the lead bishop for Higher Education, and the Ministry of Deliverance in the Diocese.

Visit the Bishop of Fulham’s website 

Bishop of Ebbsfleet

The Bishop of Ebbsfleet

The Rt Rev Dr Rob Munro, the Bishop of Ebbsfleet, cares for parishes which have an evangelical theology, who pass a resolution to uphold Evangelical Complementarian teaching. He works across the whole country and is licensed in London as an Assistant Bishop.

Visit the Bishop of Ebbsfleet’s website