The Edmonton Area consists of four boroughs in the North West of London, Camden, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. It is home to 1.2 million citizens of London and divided into four deaneries coterminous with the borough boundaries, although a small part of the borough of Barnet is in St Albans Diocese. The Edmonton Area is blessed by being a diverse and thriving mixture of communities, and linguistically identified communities from around the world have a long history of living and working in London. There are significant communities of Christians from Iran, Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, West Africa, and the Caribbean islands along with Synagogues, Mosques and Temples, across all four boroughs.
The Edmonton Episcopal Area is made up of approximately 250 clergy and Local Lay Ministers, there are 100 parishes, eight Bishop’s Mission Orders, 60 primary schools and six church secondary schools.