Ministerial Development Review (MDR) takes place every two years, to help clergy review their current role in ministry. The review process includes a confidential 90–120-minute review session with a trained MDR Consultant, to help set objectives and priorities for the forthcoming year.
All clergy holding office under Common Tenure are required to participate in the Ministerial Development Review.
The objectives of the scheme are that ministers:
- Be given an opportunity to pray and reflect on their vocation and ministry
- Take stock of their ministry thus far and identify areas on which to build and areas of need which should be given attention
- Be given an opportunity to be encouraged and challenged
- Become realistic about their strengths and weaknesses
- Set goals for their work and personal development
- Identify and access both personal and professional training, support and development needs
The MDR scheme consists of a biennial cycle of facilitated self-reviews with the same consultant. The aim is to review both personal and ministerial goals, and to identify any new development needs.
The Ministerial Development Review Cycle
NB. All documents mentioned in this section are also listed at the bottom of the page.
At the beginning of each cycle, clergy will be invited to choose a consultant (and will remain with the same consultant for the whole two-year cycle, where possible). The consultant job description is available here and the form for choice of consultant is here.
Once the reviewee has been matched with the consultant by the MDR administrator, the first step is for the reviewee to complete their MDR preparation form, which needs to be submitted to the consultant three weeks before the meeting.
As part of the process clergy are encouraged first to get feedback on their ministry from 4-6 people in their context using the MDR feedback form. This might include churchwardens, PCC members, staff colleagues, school headteachers etc. The reviewers will return the form to the reviewee, not the consultant, so there is transparency, and an opportunity to incorporate appropriate comments into the MDR preparation form.
The reviewee then meets with the MDR consultant for a confidential review, and to agree objectives for the coming two years. The reviewee and the consultant complete the MDR objectives form, which is returned to the MDR administrator, remaining confidential to the bishop, Area Director of Ministry, and consultant.
- The bishop will write to the reviewee responding to any issues raised in the MDR summary
- The Area Director of Ministry will write to the reviewee responding to issues raised as development needs.
File Downloads
MDR forms for SSMs (self supporting Ministers)
Episcopal Review
A vital accompaniment to the Ministerial Development Review scheme is the Episcopal Review. Bishops will separately conduct an Episcopal Review with each member of the clergy once every three years. The format of this review will vary according to bishop concerned, and will include reviewing the most recent MDR objectives and summaries.