Church of England schools and academies are a vital part of the work and ministry of the Diocese. They have been providing education for the children and young people of London for centuries.
There are currently 137 primary and 19 secondary schools and academies, and four all-through schools, educating more than 55,000 students.
The schools and academies are supported or sponsored by the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) which was established in 1836 as the educational arm of the Diocese of London. The Schools Sites Act 1841 gave the Board for Schools a major opportunity to build more schools. The Chair of Trustees is the Rt Revd Rob Wickham, Bishop of Edmonton, and Penny Roberts is the Director of Education (designate).
The LDBS aims to serve the people of London by ensuring that the schools and academies are valued for the excellence of an education provided in a distinctly Christian context. The LDBS also aims to develop and add to the schools so that there is a place for every child whose parents or carers wish them to attend a Church of England school.