The Parochial Church Council (PCC):
Works with the minister in promoting the mission of the church
The minister in charge of the parish and the PCC have a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish, and to co-operate in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. This includes almost everything to do with the church’s work in the parish, and its relationship with the deanery and the diocese.
Members are Trustees of the church
The PCC is a body corporate, which means that it is a separate body from the people who serve on it. PCC members are also trustees, which entails various responsibilities under charity law.
Is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church, churchyard and moveable objects
As well as being responsible for the care and upkeep of the church, churchyard and moveable items, the PCC may also be the beneficial owner of the church hall and or curate’s house.
Has overall charge of all expenditure
PCC Membership
- All clerks in Holy Orders beneficed in or licensed to the parish
- Deacons or lay workers licensed to the parish
- Readers licensed to the parish, and on the electoral roll of the parish, as determined by the APCM
- Churchwardens
Churchwardens become members of the PCC as soon as they are elected at the Annual Meeting, rather than having to wait until the date that they are instituted. - Lay members of the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod, who are on the electoral roll of the parish
- With reference to lay members of the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod who are on the electoral roll of the parish. These persons are also members of the PCC in an ex-officio capacity (i.e. by virtue of their other office). The rules allow a person to have their name on more than one electoral roll. If this is the case, then that person must choose one PCC of which to be member.
- Lay representatives of the parish elected at the APCM
- In 2004 a rule was brought in setting down numbers to be elected to the PCC which were dependent on the size of the parish’s electoral roll.(Up to 50: 6, 51-100: 9, 101-200: 12, over 200: 15). However the parish can set a different number, by resolution passed at the APCM, which would take effect the following year.
In 2004, a rule was also brought in to extend the term of office of elected representatives from one year to three. This works on the basis whereby a third of the PCC retire and are elected to the PCC each year. However, the APCM can pass a resolution to retain the old method of the whole PCC being elected each year. This resolution takes effect in the year that it is passed, and must be reviewed every six years.
A parish, by resolution at an APCM, can set a limit on the number of years that elected representatives can serve continuously on the PCC.
- In 2004 a rule was brought in setting down numbers to be elected to the PCC which were dependent on the size of the parish’s electoral roll.(Up to 50: 6, 51-100: 9, 101-200: 12, over 200: 15). However the parish can set a different number, by resolution passed at the APCM, which would take effect the following year.
- Co-opted members, clerical or lay (optional)
- A PCC can appoint co-opted members who can be clerical or lay. If this happens, the total number co-opted must either be less than one-fifth of the elected members on the Council, or two, whichever is the greater.
Standing Committee
What is the role of the Standing Committee, particularly in relation to the PCC?
The Church Representation Rules state as follows: The standing committee shall have power to transact the business of the Council between PCC meetings, subject to any directions given by the Council. The Standing Committee’s role is therefore subservient to the PCC.
Who may serve on the Standing Committee?
There should be at least five people on the Standing Committee. The minister and churchwardens are automatically members. The Council by resolution appoints at least two of its own members, whom it also has power to remove. Members serve until the conclusion of the annual meeting.
It is important that the Secretary is a member to be involved and keep abreast of what is happening at the heart of the church’s management; to assist with forward planning.