Annual meetings (APCM) take place in parishes before 31 May each year.
The annual meeting receives reports on changes to the electoral roll, general parish activities and financial matters. The annual meeting also elects new members to the PCC and to deanery synod every three years.
Renewal of Electoral Rolls in 2025
Click below to download guidance material and forms.
Before the Meeting
The APCM can take place any time between January 1 and May 31
Give notice of the revision of the electoral roll by completing and displaying the notice in the file downloads below.
Invite new applicants for enrolment on the electoral roll using the application form downloadable below.
Publish the new electoral roll (in writing or digitally) for a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 28 days before the APCM. Include names but no other personal information.
File Downloads
Complete both the ‘APCM notice form’ and the ‘Notice of meeting of parishioners to elect Churchwardens’ form.*
Display the notices on or near the main door (and on each church in the parish if applicable). Display for at least two clear Sundays before the meeting takes place.
*Churchwarden elections – these technically (legally) happen at a separate meeting from the APCM. The separate meeting is called the Meeting of Parishioners and it can be attended by any member of the civil electoral roll of the civil parish(es), as well as those on the electoral roll of the parish church(es).
However, in practice the two meetings often take place on the same evening.
APCM notice:
Churchwarden elections notice:
The PCC should approve audited financial statements and the chair of the meeting sign them.
For at least seven days before the APCM copies of the financial statements should be published and made available.
Number of lay representatives on the PCC
Number on Electoral Roll | Number of representatives to be elected |
50 or less | 6 |
51 – 100 | 9 |
101–200 | 12 |
over 200 | 15 |
Note that parishes are permitted to set a different (i.e. higher or lower) number of lay representatives to elect, (e.g. a parish with an electoral roll of 101-200 may consider 10 rather than 12 representatives to be more appropriate). This is done by passing a resolution at the APCM. Any such resolution, however, will only take effect from the following APCM.
The term of office of elected lay members of the PCC
The length of time that an elected member serves on the PCC is three years, with a third of the PCC to be elected each year – unless the APCM decides to retain the system of annual election of the whole PCC. Such a decision, when taken, is effective in the year in which it is passed, and must be reviewed at least every six years.
Declarations that a person is not disqualified from being a PCC member.
In order to assist in meeting statutory requirements, Forms of Declaration that a person is not disqualified from being a charity trustee, and therefore a PCC member, have been produced for use in parishes from 2019 onwards. These forms replace the previous form, and reflect changes in the regulations. Copies of the updated form, together with a cover note, can be obtained from the resource downloads at the bottom of this page (in the grey box).
These forms should be completed and signed by all members of the PCC.
(They can be printed on one sheet of paper ‘back-to-back’).
File Downloads
Number of parish representatives on the Deanery Synod
Each year a letter is sent to PCC Secretaries to inform them of the number of places allocated for lay representatives of their parishes on Deanery Synods.
The allocation of places is determined by the number of persons on the church’s electoral roll. It may therefore change from one time to another. See file download below.
The term of office of parish representatives on the Deanery Synod
The length of time that a parish representative serves on Deanery Synod is three years.
File Downloads
Please note
As explained above, the election of churchwardens technically (legally) happens at a separate meeting from the APCM. The separate meeting is called the Meeting of Parishioners and it can be attended by any member of the civil electoral roll of the civil parish(es), as well as those on the electoral roll of the parish church(es).
However, in practice the two meetings often take place on the same evening.
Number of Churchwardens
Usually two churchwardens for each Parish are elected each year.
Where a parish has more than one parish church and/or parish centre of worship
(designated under section 43 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, section1(2) of the Churchwardens Measure 2001 provides for two churchwardens to be appointed for each parish church/parish centre of worship.
Churchwardens’ length of service
The Churchwardens’ Measure 2001 created a 6-year restriction the effects of which began
to be relevant in 2008.
It should be noted that a person is disqualified from being appointed to the office of churchwarden when they have served as churchwarden of the same parish for six years in succession. A person must have a gap of at least two years before serving again.
However, the Annual Meeting of Parishioners can pass a resolution to the effect that this section of the Measure shall not apply, which would allow the person in question to be appointed after the six years has expired. Such a resolution would take effect immediately.
The end of the first six-year period, since this rule came into effect, was the Annual Meeting of Parishioners held in 2008. This, therefore, meant that any churchwarden who had served continuously since the Annual Meeting of Parishioners of 2002 could not be re-appointed in 2008 unless the Meeting had passed a resolution specifically overruling this provision in relation to the parish, which would enable them to be reappointed.
Any such resolution can be revoked by a subsequent Annual Meeting of Parishioners.
If necessary, advice can be obtained from the Diocesan Registrar.
For further information, contact the Head of Governance Monica Bolley or the Senior Governance Officer, Lizzy Millar.
File Downloads
At the meeting
The minister of the parish chairs the meeting, or if they are not present, the vice-chair of the PCC.
The annual meeting receives and is free to discuss reports from the PCC
- the report on changes in the electoral roll since the last meeting
- an annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and the activities of the parish generally
- the audited or independently examined financial statement of the PCC for the previous year
- a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church
- a report on the proceedings of the deanery synod.
Elections take place for
- New PCC members (laity)
- Deanery Synod Representatives
- Churchwardens*
*The election of churchwardens is legally a separate meeting from the APCM, called the Meeting of Parishioners, but it is often held on the same evening.
After the meeting
Use the Annual Parish Meeting results form and as soon as practicable display in the same places that you announced the meeting for at least 14 days.
Display approved accounts and make signed copies available on request. For seven days after the meeting.
Send signed copy of Annual Report and Financial Statement to the Secretary of the Diocesan Board of Finance. Within 28 days of the meeting
Send names and addresses of Deanery Synod reps to Diocesan Electoral Registration Officer and Secretary of Deanery Synod. Within 28 days of meeting.
The legal aspects of convening and running annual meetings are covered in Part 9, section A of the Church Representation Rules 2022, or a copy can be obtained from Church House Bookshop.
It is strongly advised that parishes obtain a copy of ‘Church Representation Rules 2022, issued on 31 March 2021 which replaces the 2020 version.