1. Within the Diocese of London

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is a member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team (DST) and they manage and coordinate the day to day operational mechanisms for safeguarding practice across the Diocese. This is achieved by the provision of advice on safeguarding concerns, support for parishes in managing concerns, overseeing safeguarding training and monitoring safeguarding issues in parishes.

Contact details – safeguarding@london.anglican.org / 020 7932 1224

In order to coordinate the strategic development of safeguarding throughout the Diocese, we have set up the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) who meet quarterly. The DSAP is responsible to the Bishop of London for ensuring that the Diocese has: adequate policy and procedures for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults; mechanisms for monitoring, auditing and reviewing the implementation of safeguarding; monitoring and reviewing safeguarding training and sharing relevant learning from case management.
The DSAP consists of the those holding the following roles –

  • An Independent Lay Professional Chair
  • The Diocesan Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding
  • Head of Safeguarding
  • The Director of Ministry
  • The Archdeacons of Hackney and Hampstead

The independent chair will address any concerns / complaints regarding safeguarding in the Diocese of London and can be contacted via email through Sara Black: sara.black@london.anglican.org

2. Within the Episcopal Areas

Episcopal Areas play a key role in ensuring that safeguarding is consistently and appropriately undertaken across the Diocese. Area Bishops hold responsibility for safeguarding on behalf of the Diocese within their areas and they work closely with the Archdeacons who are responsible for coordinating safeguarding. Their role is to:

  • coordinate, with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, the management of safeguarding across the Area
  • ensure the proper flow of safeguarding information to and from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team
  • ensure that the ‘Code of Safer Working Practice’ is being followed in parishes across the Area
  • identify and support training needs and promote good practice in safeguarding across the Area


3. Within Parishes

PCC members, as trustees, have a key role to play within each parish to adopt a safeguarding policy, and to establish an action plan for its implementation. Their specific responsibilities are clearly outlined within the Safeguarding Policy.

All clergy who are licensed in the Diocese of London are expected to attend safeguarding training and to refresh this every three years. They are responsible, with their PCC and the assistance of the Church Safeguarding Officer, for ensuring that the correct policies, guidance and procedures are in place and for developing a ‘safer culture’.

The Church Safeguarding Officer is responsible for ensuring the coordination of any concerns about a child, young person or vulnerable adult, or the behaviour of an adult working with vulnerable groups. Their role is to ensure that these are appropriately reported both to the statutory agencies and to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. They should attend the PCC at least twice a year and work with them to ensure the proper implementation of the safeguarding policy.

The Children’s Champion is the voice of the children within the parish at PCC meetings. They don’t have a direct role in safeguarding but are expected to work closely and confidentially with the Church Safeguarding Officer and parish clergy to inform / report / discuss any concerns, seeking their support and advice when necessary.