We expect a high standard of integrity and service in the Diocese of London. Mostly that standard is met, but occasionally individuals fall short of what is expected of them. When this happens we ask you to please contact us using the guidance below.


If you have immediate concerns about someone’s safety, please contact the police and your local authority Children’s or Adult Social Care Services.

If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, contact the Safeguarding Helpline (9am to 5pm) on 020 7932 1224.

Out of hours advice can be sought from the Thirtyone:eight helpline on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 2.

Further information can be found in the safeguarding contact section.

Clergy complaints

If your complaint relates to a member of the clergy, please see the Diocese of London complaints process.

If the concerns are of a safeguarding nature please contact the safeguarding team.

Your local church

If you are a member of a congregation and your complaint relates to the worship or activities in your parish, please contact the lead member of clergy or the Parochial Church Council (PCC). If that is not appropriate, please contact your local Archdeacon.

LDF staff

If your complaint is about a member of staff at the London Diocesan Fund, in the first instance please contact the person you would like to make the complaint about. If that is not possible please contact the head of their department, or the appropriate director. You can view the full LDF Complaints Policy here.


If your concern relates to this website, or communications from the Diocese of London, please email communications@london.anglican.org 

If you need to raise any concerns under our Diocesan Whistleblowing or Dignity at Work please follow the respective link.

If you are still not sure who to contact, please read our Complaints Policy and Procedure: