Regal House
70 London Road

The Rt Revd Dr Emma Ineson
The Bishop of Kensington

Emma Hughes
Personal Assistant to the Bishop Email

The Ven Richard Frank
The Archdeacon of Middlesex Email

Victoria O’Neill
Personal Assistant to the Archdeacon Email

The Revd Cara Lovell
Area Director of Ministry Email

The Revd Jonathan Rust
Area Director of Mission Development Email

The Revd Mary Spredbury
Area Finance Adviser Email

The Revd Folli Olokose
Area Director of Ordinands (Lead ADO) Email

Olivia Malhotra
Kensington Area Administrator Email

Jo Jones
Kensington Area Schools & Youth Chaplain Email

Caryn Weber
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (Kensington Area) Email

Rebecca Fallon
Events & Admin Assistant Email