…and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Congratulations on your confirmation!

As a baptised and newly confirmed Christian you have committed to walking the way of Jesus in your whole life. As God’s beloved children, we pray for confidence in speaking of and living out God’s love in all we are and do:

Stay with God

Being a Christian is at its heart about being with God.

Loving God,
help me to walk humbly with you, my God,
to stay with you and be formed and shaped by your love,
learning to know trust and do your will.

Explore ways to pray with the Holding Cross you received at your confirmation.

Some other practices and apps that you could use to meet with God in prayer and in the Bible:

You might also want to read more about who God is and what it means to follow Jesus:


Share the Journey

We need each other to live the Christian life.

Loving God,
Help me to love kindness,
to share the journey with my fellow disciples,
being vulnerable, finding belonging,
encouraging each other in celebration and forgiveness.

Apart from joining Sunday worship, you might consider joining a small group, attend a regular Bible study or sign up for a faith course. Here are some other practices that you could use to share the journey with others:

Serve our World

Our faith is not just about believing in Jesus Christ,
but expressing this by
the way we live our whole lives.

Loving God.
Help me to do justice,
to serve our world, being with others in compassion,
embodying the healing and transformation our society needs,
through the example of your son, Jesus Christ.

Some resources to help you explore how you are called to serve the world:

To find out more about our diocesan support for discipleship and spiritual formation, visit our Confident Disciples page.