When any Church of England clergy from outside of the Diocese are invited to officiate (including preaching) within the Diocese of London, you are required to check that they are listed on the national register of clergy.

Therefor the procedure is:

Permission for clergy from within the Anglican Communion but outside of the Church of England/Wales to minister is a different system, and you do need to check with your Area Office who will handle this for you.

Canon B43 covers clergy from other denominations. In brief, assurance needs to be sought from the minister’s authorizing body that they are in good standing and up to date with DBS checks and safeguarding training. There are different levels of permission depending on what they are being asked to do: some things can be done without consultation or permission; others require consultation with the PCC and the permission of the Bishop.

It would ordinarily be the Incumbent or Priest-in-Charge who would liaise with the Bishop in connection with such matters.

Note: During a parish vacancy this information would be shared by the Bishop or Archdeacon as part of the vacancy process.