The ECAP programme gives clergy and LDF employees access to a myriad of counselling and advice services 24 hours a day.
The Employee and Clergy Assistance Programme (ECAP) is provided by Health Assured and offers confidential support, advice and guidance to help individuals deal with life’s ups and downs, including any issues that might be adversely affecting their health, wellbeing and/or work performance. ECAP is available for all employees of the London Diocesan Fund and all licensed Clergy in the Diocese of London, plus their immediate families.
The ECAP operates a helpline and online health portal 24 hours a day, seven days per week, 365 days per year. The service is staffed by qualified and experienced counsellors working to the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) framework. These trained professionals offer confidential help in a friendly and non-judgmental manner and should an individual need further assistance they can be referred to a lawyer, nurse, doctor or other professionals according to specific requirements.
The programme gives clergy access to a myriad of counselling and advice services 24 hours a day including the following:
- Stress helpline
- Telephone and face to face counselling
- Serious illness and accident support
- Tax, Financial and legal advice
- Eldercare and childcare advice
- Medical information
To gain access to ECAP
To gain access to the programme, please call the free phone number 0800 030 5182 and state that you are from the Diocese of London.
Alternately, the service can be accessed through Health Assured’s online web portal. Please contact the LDF Human Resources team for the website login details: / 020 7932 1200
All calls are triaged and the facility includes a GP call back service if required. It also provides access to a number of key areas including emotional support; structured telephone counselling; referral to face to face counselling; referral to serious illness and accident support; tax advice and legal advice; stress helpline; eldercare and childcare and medical information. There is also a plethora of useful information and help on the online portal including health and wellbeing tools, fitness advice and online medical information.
We hope that this service will be of great benefit to our staff and all licensed clergy in the Diocese.