The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks a person’s criminal record.

How to renew a DBS

All clergy and Licenced Lay Ministers who need to renew their DBS checks should contact their Area office:

All other parish workers, paid or unpaid, should contact their parish office.

We process all Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) applications online using the eBulk system, which is managed by Thirtyone:eight.

  • PCC members, as charity trustees, are required to undertake a DBS check if their parish (the Charity) sponsors and approves children’s work or work with vulnerable adults in it’s own name. Eg. a Youth Club, Sunday School, home visiting scheme or a lunch club for adults who may require assistance with feeding or toileting. Read more about this requirement on the thirtyoneeight website.
  • Churchwardens and Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs)
  • All those working in a paid or voluntary capacity with children, young people or adults at risk require a DBS check. A new DBS disclosure should be requested every three years, or when there is a change in role.

Unless registered for the update service, an existing DBS certificate is not transferable so a fresh DBS is required for all qualifying roles. DBS checks are role specific and a faith setting is different to other roles.

For any queries around how the DBS process works in the Diocese, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

Each parish should appoint a Lead Recruiter to manage the DBS process and may also choose to appoint additional Evidence Checkers.

To set up a new Lead Recruiter or additional Evidence Checkers, please complete this New Recruiter Form (below) and email it back to the Safeguarding team ( The Lead Recruiter is responsible for carrying out all enhanced DBS checks in the parish, except for clergy and Licensed Lay Minister DBS checks which are carried out by their area office. There is a DBS and Safeguarding tracker available to help track when DBS and safeguarding training needs to be renewed.

File Downloads

Thrityoneeight provides a useful interactive eligibility guide based on the tasks carried out to help determine what level of checks are required. This is free to use but you will need to create a user profile.

For enquiries about the eBulk system (including login and password queries) or eligibility for DBS checks for specific roles in your parish, please contact Thirtyone:eight on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 1.