In London there are over 250 different languages spoken. Only once we are truly diverse can we represent the body of Christ in all its richness – and grow healthily. To reach every Londoner we need to be active in combatting racism and racial injustice. Equality of opportunity, more leaders of diverse ethnicity, fairer selection processes.

A theological understanding is imperative as we begin to tackle the evil of racism within our structures, policies and processes. The theology that underpins the racial justice strategy within the Diocese of London has been published: striving for racial justice in the diocese of LondonIt reminds us of the significant role we can play in combatting racism in all its forms and how we can collectively journey together with Christ to build a better future for all surrounded by prayer.

The Lament to Action’ report by the Anti-racism taskforce owns and accepts the legacy of racial inequity within the structures and processes of the church and provides clear actions to enable a culture change to root out the sin of racism from its core in all its forms.

Members of the Racial Justice Priority Group (RJPG) issued a statement dated 26 April 2021 in response to the anti-racism taskforce report which supports the report and makes clear that there are structural issues that we need to address and culture change that needs to follow.

It is the intention of the RJPG in line with its terms of reference on behalf of the Diocese of London to pursue a racial justice strategy that moves forward the ‘racially just’ priority of 2030 Vision to action the commitment to embody the life of Christ and begin the transformative work that will embed a culture that is intentionally anti-racist.


The Racial Justice Priority Group

The primary purpose of the Racial Justice Priority Group (RJPG) is to provide strategic oversight and act as a steering group that supports the Diocese of London in taking forward the ‘racially just’ priority area of our 2030 Vision.

The group meet quarterly, and produce the Racial Justice Prayer Bulletin.

Photograph of Anderson Jeremiah

The Rt Revd Canon Dr Anderson Jeremiah

Bishop of Edmonton

Stephanie Ajayi

Capacity building consultant

Revd Prebendary Sandra McCalla

Chaplain to the Bishop of London

The Ven John Hawkins

Archdeacon of Hampstead

Monica Bolley

Head of Governance for the Diocese of London

The Revd Prebendary Dr Amatu Oñundu Christian-Iwuagwu

Director of Mission and Racial Justice in the Edmonton Area

The Revd Taemin Oh

Dean of Cultural Diversity in the Edmonton Area

Racial Justice Prayer Network

All are welcome to sign up to receive the Prayer Bulletin of the Racial Justice Prayer Network. It goes out once a month by email.
We strongly believe that, in order to achieve the changes we long for, this work must be undergirded by prayer as a sustained effort.

Sign up to receive the monthly prayer bulletin

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