The Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) is responsible for ensuring and monitoring delivery of safeguarding training to all who require it.

But the care and protection of children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable is the responsibility of everyone in the church.

We have been offering PSO training across the diocese to support those in this important role in their roles.  They are a good opportunity to meet together as PSOs, share experiences, good practice and challenges.  The training builds on knowledge and key messages for Safeguarding Officers. Upcoming sessions are listed below, please register by following the relevant link:

PSO Training

Links to the training and pre-work book will be sent a week in advance.

Some feedback from PSOs who have attended previous sessions has been:

  • Brilliant training, I left feeling confident to handle whatever comes up’
  • ‘It was good to meet the DSO, I now feel more confident that I could contact them to discuss potential safeguarding issues.’
  • The session was useful as an overview of safeguarding policies and practices in our churches. It gave PSOs the opportunity to express our concerns and seek clarification.’
  • Good to meet other PSO’s … it can feel as if your working in isolation.  Drop in sessions  valuable  for this too’
  • Great to meet up with other PSO’s and support each other. Really helpful to meet Angela our DSO. I was so reassured by her obvious knowledge and experience’
  • Well structured and relevant for a typical church’
  • Has helped me develop a better understanding of my role as PSO’