These two sets of training are hosted by the Church of England National Safeguarding Team, and are completed online.
Both the modules need to be completed before moving on to our Leadership course.
Basic and Foundation training need to be taken every three years.
C0 – Safeguarding Basic Awareness
C1 – Safeguarding Foundation
How long does it take?
The Basic Awareness course takes approximately 75 minutes to complete. The Foundation training takes approximately two hours to complete.
Who should take it?
Basic Awareness and Foundation courses can be completed by any member of the congregation. It is particularly recommended that they are completed by those in the following roles:
- Administrative Staff
- Bell-ringers
- Caretakers
- Choir/Music Group Members
- Church Operations Managers
- Flower Arrangers
- PCC Members
- Refreshment Helpers
- Servers
- Shop Staff
- Sidespersons
- Sound/ AVTechnicians
- Vergers
- Welcomers