People arriving in our churches seeking sanctuary have many different reasons for being there, and different stories to tell. We welcome them all and seek to show them God’s love.

Churches and chaplaincies across the Diocese of London are welcoming asylum seekers, migrants and refugees from all over the world: reaching out compassionately to “welcome the stranger”.

If you’re considering starting something in your church, or if you’re already doing something that you’d like to share, please do get in touch.

We love to visit churches and see what God is doing, listen, learn and advise.

Get in touch

Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson

Lead - Refugee, Asylum Seeker & Modern Slavery
laura.johnson​ 020 3837 5143

If you have a specific query that isn’t covered, please contact us here

Refugee & asylum support, or modern slavery ministries in Diocese of London churches

Zoom in for more detail, or click on individual icons for more information.

If you know of a church offering refugee & asylum support, or responding to modern slavery that is not on this map,
please do get in touch and we’ll add it in.

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