Discover Your God-Given Strengths for Ministry: StrengthsFinder® for Clergy

Are you looking to enhance your ministerial development by focusing on your unique talents and strengths? This one-day program, “StrengthsFinder® for Clergy,” offers a refreshing approach to personal and professional growth.

We’ll move away from traditional deficit-based development and instead explore what’s right with you, using the highly respected CliftonStrengths® (formerly StrengthsFinder®) profiling tool. Based on 40 years of Gallup research, this strengths-based approach helps you identify your natural talents and understand how to leverage them effectively in your ministry.

What you’ll gain:

A 25-page personalized report detailing your unique strengths and actionable insights.
A deeper understanding of strengths-based psychology and its theological foundations.
Practical strategies for using your strengths to enhance your growth, relationships, and well-being in ministry.
Facilitated by Ben Evans:

Ben is a Gallup-certified Strengths Coach with extensive experience in leadership, team, and organizational development. He has served as one of the Archbishops’ Advisors for Appointments and Development and is a Licensed Lay Minister in the Diocese of London with a master’s in theology.

Programme Outline (10am-4pm):

Towards a theology of ‘talent’
Strengths-based psychology and CliftonStrengths®
Understanding your unique profile
Strengths as an approach to ministerial development (growth, relationships, and well-being)
What past participants have said:

“The best skills-based training I’ve had within a diocese in 20 years.”
“I appreciated that it was led by a Christian. This was important as it enabled a conversation that was not simply commercial/transactional but interacted with our framework of faith.”

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