• If a member of the PCC feels that taking the required training is too tiring/time consuming, they can stop and start the training and go at their own pace over several days until the training is complete.
  • In order to ensure that prospective PCC members are aware of the requirement to undertake the training and complete an enhanced DBS, PCC members could be asked to sign that they are willing do these, prior to the APCM.
  • If recruiting an asylum seeker, if a reference is not possible the PCC should agree a process of risk assessment g. they work in Sunday school but are never left alone.  People should be known in church for 3-6 months before starting to volunteer.
  • Only a worship group leader is required to have an enhanced DBS check, but if a worship band includes adults and children, other members of the band most not be alone with children. All adult members of the worship bank should take the Basic safeguarding training.
  • If engaging a musician that has not been safely recruited, parishes can contact their DSA to ask if a visiting musician is known to the team.