The shocking reality is that modern slavery occurs at hand car washes all across the UK. In fact, new data from the University of Nottingham has revealed that no community is immune.

Could you spot the signs of labour exploitation in your local hand car wash?

The Safe Car Wash App is an easy tool to help us all know what to look out for and how to report any concerns. Developed by our friends at The Clewer Initiative, the Church of England’s modern slavery response, the Safe Car Wash App celebrates its sixth anniversary this year and has been downloaded more than 40,000 times since its launch.

How do I use the Safe Car Wash App?

The Safe Car Wash App is easy to download by following the link below:

The app asks users a series of questions related to the indicators of modern slavery and then assesses the answers. Questions such as whether any personal protective equipment is being used, or the cost of the car wash. If there is a high likelihood that modern slavery or exploitation is occurring at the hand car wash, users can then send a report to the Modern Slavery Helpline at the touch of a button.

When should I use the Safe Car Wash App?

Whenever you visit a hand car wash. Even if you don’t see any particularly worrying signs, it is helpful to systematically work through the app’s questions as sometimes exploitation can be hidden in plain sight.

How is the information I submit used?

The information submitted is made available to statutory organisations and law enforcement agencies such as the National Crime Agency, the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) and regional police forces. It helps them identify and take action against hand car washes which are not treating their staff fairly. It also helps build a clearer picture of the sector – how many hand car wash businesses there are, where they are and when new ones pop up.

Taking Action

So if you own a car, why not download the Safe Car Wash App today from Apple or Google play stores and use it when you visit a hand car wash?

And if you don’t drive or use hand car washes, you can help tackle modern slavery and exploitation by telling your friends, colleagues and church community about this ground-breaking app!

To find out more and download the app, visit