Into the Diocese

The Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker, SSM Associate Priest at University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, Diocese of Oxford is to be Curate, St John, Notting Hill (1106) from  25 January.


Within the Diocese

The Revd Dioynisious Cicily Anthony, SSM curate, All Saints, Notting Hill (1113) is now SSM Associate Minister, St Lawrence, Eastcote (2502) from 3 December.

The Revd Penny Seabrook, Vicar, All Saints, Fulham (0801) is to be Associate Vicar, All Saints, Fulham (0801) from 4 January.

The Revd Jonnie Armstrong, Curate, Christ Church, Crouch End (2008) is now Curate, Christ Church, Cockfosters (1820) from 19 December

The Revd Canon James Elston, Team Rector, St Pancras Old Church (1720C), St Paul’s, Camden Square (1720D) is to be Vicar of St Stephen with All Hallows, Hampstead (1612) from 8 April.

The Revd Julia Palmer, Vicar, St Martin, West Acton (2214) is to be Vicar, St Thomas, Hanwell (2306), from 18 April.

The Revd Ann Lynes, Vicar, Holy Trinity, Northwood (2412) and Area Dean of Harrow (2400) will cease to be Area Dean from 10 January, and is also to be Dean of Women’s Ministry, Willesden Episcopal Area from 4 February.

The Revd Matthew Stone, Rector, St John, Great Stanmore (2419) is also to be Area Dean of Harrow (2400) from 11 January.

Out of the Diocese

The Revd Fiona Jack, SSM Curate, St. Barnabas, Ealing (2211) is now Vicar, All Saints, Tenerife from 1 August.

The Revd Anna Poulson, Vicar, St John, Southall Green (2314) is to be Academic Dean of the Local Ministry Programme, Diocese of Guildford from 28 January.

The Rt Revd Anthony Ball, Licensed Preacher Under Seal, Diocese of London is now Bishop of North Africa from 30 November

The Revd Christopher Kennedy, Interim Associate Vicar at St Mary, Hampton (0901) is to be Vicar, St Mary Magdalene, Tanworth in Arden, Diocese of Birmingham from 17 January.


Permission to officiate

Revd Robin Talbot, Curate, SAINT, Diocese of Chelmsford is also to have Permission to Officiate, Diocese of London

The Revd Peter Bernhard has been issued with Permission to Officiate.

The Revd Jonathan James Lee has been issued with Permission to Officiate from 5 December.

The Revd Hans Peter Wanehag has been issued with Permission to Officiate from 5 December.

The Revd Anne-Margret McTighe, Permission to Officiate ceased on 11 December.

The Revd Ben Bell, Permission to Officiate (Stepney) ceased on 11 December.

The Revd Tracy Browne, Permission to Officiate (Stepney) ceased on 11 December.

The Revd Christopher Rose, Permission to Officiate ceased on 31 December.


The Revd Nigel Copsey, Chaplain at the Tower Hamlets Centre for Mental Health (0790) ceased on 11 December.

The Revd Tuulia Matikainen-Castledine, Chaplain, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry ceased on 11 December.

The Revd Canon Anthony Howe, Chaplain, The Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace ceased on 1 January.


The Revd Stephen Brown, Vicar, St. Alphage, Edmonton (1802) is to retire on 7 February.



Welcome to the LDF

Evi Gosden, who assumes the position of Development Worker: Mental Health, Isolation, Debt & Food Insecurity in the Compassionate Communities team, will be working three days per week and will be based at Causton Street.