Back Pain effects about one-third of the adult population of the UK and can leave people feeling depressed and frustrated by the ways it limits their activities and their working lives.

This 2½ hour session will focus on strategies you can use to live positively with back pain. It will think about practical changes you can make to everyday activities which can help to reduce the impact of back pain on your life, including pacing your daily routine, posture/ergonomics, good movement patterns, stretches/exercises, and psychological strategies. As well as thinking about how you can successfully carry out regular daily activities, we will also consider the particular challenges of managing back pain in ministry.

The session will be run by Revd Cara Lovell (Director of Ministry, Kensington Area) who worked in the NHS for many years with people with back pain and also understands the particular demands of ministry. Numbers are kept deliberately low, so we will run a waiting list if necessary. If you would like to attend a future session, but are unable to make it on the 30th April, please also send us an email and we will contact you when other dates are available.

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