We’re excited to be welcoming our eighth cohort of Apprentices this year. If you’ve not come across the apprenticeship scheme before, it’s an investment in those who are passionate about children and/or youth work, to see them released into ministry in their local context.

Over the last eight years, apprentices have worked in 27 parishes and BMO’s across the Diocese of London, working in all the socio-economic contexts London has to offer. They have developed work in local schools, set up mid-week Bible studies and outreach activities, led toddler groups, messy churches and holiday clubs, and seen growth in terms of both depth and numbers of children and young people connected with the churches they’ve worked in.

Below is a little about each of our new recruits and what they’ll be doing, thanks to the generous support of Benefact Trust.


Katy Robinson

Katy is based at St Thomas’ Kensal Town and will be mainly focused on children’s ministry. Having worked in Montessori and nannied for the last few years, she brings a wealth of experience working with little ones and is excited to see that translated into what she does at St Thomas’. Some of the key things she will be investing her time in are a Sunday school, connecting with the parish school, the existing choir club and establishing a toddler group. Katy brings enthusiasm and excitement to the role and is passionate about seeing children engage with and learn about God in their lives.

Katy says “I’m very much looking forward to working with children in a role that brings both them and me closer to God. I found this apprenticeship at exactly the right time, when I was examining my role as a member of the church and what I was able to do to better serve God. Being able to bring the skills I have gained working in an early-years setting to grassroots children’s work at my local church is a thrilling prospect and I’m praying for wonderful things in the next three years.”


Samson Massey

Samson is based with the Southall group of churches and will be focused on youth ministry. Last year, he did an internship at St George’s (one of the churches in the Southall group) where he helped with some youth work among other things. In doing this, he realised this was an area of ministry he wanted to grow in. Samson is excited to be able to integrate his training at Ridley with his work to see it grow. As an Apprentice he’ll be involved in developing a Friday night youth group and mid-week discipleship cells, as well as using his passion for music to create a space for young people to hold events for other young people in the community to come to.

He says, “I am really looking forward to the journey ahead and have great plans to get youth and the wider community engaged with the churches, as the youth of today will be the men and women of the future.”


Richa Peter

Richa is based at Holy Trinity Hounslow with a focus on children’s ministry. She has been working at Holy Trinity as a part-time Assistant Children’s Minister for a few years. The apprenticeship gives her opportunity to have the theory and theological training that she hasn’t had before, building her confidence and understand of the work she’s doing. As the children’s ministry took a hit during the pandemic, Richa is focusing on consolidating the Sunday school and toddler group. She is passionate about supporting those in the local multicultural community, and seeing them find friendship and belonging.

Richa says, “I am excited to enhance my skill and learn more, to better reach my community, especially young children and their families. I am eager to make new friends and to learn from their experiences and share my own. I hope to learn more about how to create a safe space for families to come and know they are loved and valued. My hope and prayer is that through this course, I would be better equipped to help encourage the most vulnerable in my community.”


Amirah Capillaire

Amirah is based at St Lukes, Millwall focusing on children and family ministry. Having got involved in the church through lockdown, Amirah has discovered a passion to see the children and families in her community feel connected and supported. Before starting the apprenticeship, she has trained to lead the Kids Matter parenting course, which she’ll continue to invest in. Along with that she will be involved in developing the toddler group and Sunday school as well as seasonal community outreach events and holiday clubs.

She says, “I’m excited for this next chapter in my life as my apprenticeship is for God and about God. I’m curious to see how my relationship with the children and youth in our community will grow as I develop in this role. I’m especially excited to study some Theology and grow my knowledge that way too.”