The Revd Erica Wilding shares some good news from St Andrew’s church, Uxbridge.
Sunday 19th June saw 16 young people receive their First Communion at a joyous Eucharist service at St Andrew’s church, Uxbridge. The church was full as the young people took the opportunity to celebrate this important occasion with family and friends, as well as with the usual Sunday congregation.
All of the new communicants are or have been until recently pupils at St Andrew’s Primary School and the occasion was testament to the long standing close relationship that has been built between the school and the church.
To mark this joyous event a new wall hanging was designed and erected with images from the 5 week course which the young people attended around a close up image of an old Mother’s Union banner positioned up by the High Altar. Bearing in mind that the previous wall hanging lasted 24 years, lets hope this one lasts as long!
The Revd Erica Wilding is curate at St Andrew’s church, Uxbridge.