Neurodiversity is the idea that there are natural variations in how people think, communicate, sense and understand the world. These differences include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette’s and more. As we seek to be church for all people, understanding neurodiversity is important to enable the gifts, talents and full potential of all people to be included and released within our mission and ministry.
The training consists of a 75 minute introduction to Neurodiversity, dispelling many of the common myths and misunderstandings. It will offer a modern understanding of autism and neurodiversity and practical strategies for effective communication and collaboration. Attendees will also gain insight into how simple adaptations to buildings and to team approaches can yield excellent outcomes for all.
There will be input from the trainers along with work in small groups and time for Q & A.
Each event will have a maximum of 30 participants. These current sessions are open to clergy and licenced lay ministers in the Diocese of London. Everyone who has completed this introductory training can then attend a full day session looking at neurodiversity in our church contexts in greater depth. Information about the day sessions will be sent to all who book onto the introductory training.
Sessions are led by neurodivergent training specialists with a range of insight and experience of church, working in partnership with St Martin in the Fields.
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