• DBS: If a member of the church gives lifts to other members in the church do they need to have an enhanced DBS check? If this is only occasional (less than once a week) then they would not be eligible for an enhanced DBS check.  You are able to request a basic one if you would like to, although this is not a requirement.
  • DBS: How do we get someone to do a DBS when they don’t wish to do one? Be stronger than an invitation and explain it is policy rather than singling anyone else or accusing them of anything. DBS checks are part of making people feel more confident in having a safer church.One parish ran a session as part of their PCC meeting where people had conversations in pairs about what they felt should be their role in safeguarding.  This has helped give buy-in and all PCC members are now DBS checked and they feel and ownership of safeguarding in their parish. (Sara Cottingham)
  • Basic and Foundation safeguarding training: Many parishes do the online Church of England Basic and Foundation training online together in groups in parishes rather than doing it alone at home. If parishes email training@london.anglican.org with the names and email address of those who attend these sessions, they can be sent certificates of completion.
  • Do we have to disclose a DA disclosure if the person is over 18, appears to have faculty and does not want the matter referred? Decision should be used, based on the circumstances. Always pick up the phone(020 7932 1224) or email the Diocesan Safeguarding Team to ask advice or if you feel there is an immediate danger then contact statutory services. If decide not to report, keep a record of the disclosure and always refer on a threat to life or risk to others.  It is very important to make notes of all conversations at the time of having the conversations, and keep them stored securely in case you need to refer back to them.
  • How can we help homeless people? Homeless Link or the Shelter national homelessness helpline will refer to local charities in your area. It may also be helpful to familiarise yourself with help groups for substance misuse, police etc. Some helpful links:
  • Is the safeguarding team independent enough to investigate an allegation against senior staff – absolutely yes. An allegation against senior staff would be held by the national team.
  • Where can we find the Equal Opportunities policy and privacy notice to accompany the DBS online application:
  • What is the link for the Parish safeguarding dashboards?
  • Where can we find information on Safeguarding Sunday?
    Safeguarding Sunday is on 19th November this year.  If this is not convenient then there is no reason not to hold it on another day, but it is very helpful to spend at least one Sunday each year focusing on safeguarding in your parish context. There are resources on the 31:8 website.